
Question for Everyone

So, I just need some reassurance that what I'm feeling is normal.

First, I love my job. I really do. I work in a great place, with wonderful women (all of them are women, which is really, really nice) and it's an easy environment. Sure, sometimes it's stressful, but that is rare. The pay is great for the work that I do. I've just been recently promoted. My coworkers are kind and generous with my pregnancy needs.

But honestly, I hate working right now. I am SO not interested in being here. I get frusterated when anyone talks to me. I'm tired constantly. My back hurts. My head is consumed with all things baby and this job is not even remotely near the top of my priority list.

What I want to be able to do is sleep late and then putter about our home. I want to make lunch when I'm hungry and watch TV. I want to relax and prepare myself to be exhausted for months. It's so frusterating, because the concept of 7 or 8 hours of continuous sleep each night is just a thought. I can't sleep that long. I can't stay in one position for that long. I wake up. I'm working on about 4 hours of sleep at night - none of which are continuous. I need naps.

But I can't take them. I have to work. I have to sit and get more sore, so that when I try to go to bed, I just want to cry because my body aches.

I hate working right now. I don't understand why it is that a country that is made up of more women than men can expect women to go through these last few weeks of pregnancy and still work. It doesn't make sense. It's stupid. It's unfair.

Am I just being a baby? Do other pregnant woman feel this way? Is what I'm feeling normal???


Anonymous said...

I am with you sista!!!!!!!! I hurt too!! It's the women that brag about feeling great during pregnancy and walk around with smiles and the lovely pregnancy glow that ruins it for us!! I feel like people look at me like I'm just a big baby when I say I don't feel good. I would give my right arm for a couple weeks at home before the big day!

Mermaidgrrrl said...

As you know I finished up at work on the weekend. If I had unlimited funds I would have left work or cut back to two days a week nearly straight away into the pregnancy, since the morning sickness was just horrendous. A patient would be vomiting and I would join in! Even when I had a patient go into cardiac arrest my first thought was "I hope no-one expects me to do anything about it" because I sure wasn't risking my baby to go resuscitating someone! At that point I was so over my work I didn't even care if the patient died. Work sucks!
I know what you mean about the aching body. My pelvis and hips and lower back would be in agony when I first lay down in bed. I started taking a mild painkiller about 30 minutes before bed time and it made a big difference to how quickly and comfortably I could go off to sleep. Improving even a little bit of your sleep will make a big difference to how tired you feel sweetie. I'm so sorry that you're still at work :-( You have my sympathy for sure.