
Hey...wait a second...

...I just read what my sweetie wrote in the previous post and it made me feel like a lazy bum. I thought maybe I should also list what I did this weekend while Mikki was doing everything around the house including feeding us. I painted our family room. Sounds simple enough, but everyone who has ever painted knows the amount of work involved. The only thing left to paint downstairs is the kitchen (or chicken as Mikki says). I hope to get that finished before the little one arrives, but I'm having doubts since our weekends are numbered.

We're SO excited to see our little honey at tomorrows ultrasound. I hope she continues to enjoy being the center of attention and puts on a good show for her mommy and momma. Who knows, we might even find out she's a boy! :0 The 20 and 24 week ultrasounds both indicated a girl, but you never really know until s/he's born. We hear those stories all the time. ~Kelly

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