
Week 30!

Well, we've made it through 29 weeks and are on our way through week 30! Every day, our Bailey gets stronger. She's such a strong kicker these days. Sometimes, she'll kick me and it'll actually hurt. It's kind of funny when she does that, because on one hand I want to tell her to stop!...but on the other hand, it's wonderful. I love having her in my belly. I love the warm, safe feeling of being able to feel her movements. I don't feel to overly anxious to have her be born yet (other than just wanting to meet her and be able to touch and kiss her). I'm enjoying this part of my pregnancy tremendously. I think the first part was so rough, that this part seems really easy to me. Sure, I have backaches and hunger issues and mild constipation. But they all seem mild when compared with five months of nausea. My energy is good, I'm sleeping alright, I am back to taking care of my honey, so my honey can take care of the little house projects. It works. This part is good.

Yesterday was a good day. It was a snow day for both of us. My wonderful boss called me in the morning and told me to stay home. The roads were no place for a pregnant lady! I love my boss. So, we spent the day at home together. I went out at one point (later in the day) and got a pedicure. Then later that evening, Kelly and I went to the mall just to relieve some boredom and get some excersize. Wouldn't you know, Kelly found some seriously good clothes!!!!! She walked away with 6 pairs of pants, a linen suit, three shirts and a shell. All for less than $190.

My girl can SHOP!

She's needed some new clothes, and I finally convinced her to make it happen. Actually, I think that she convinced herself (she doesn't like old clothes...), but I'm happy to take the credit! We had a good time and killed three and a half hours!

Today is my glucose test. I'm leaving the house in about 10 minutes to head over to the lab. I haven't eaten and so far, I'm doing alright. I've had a couple waves of nausea, but nothing horribly intense yet. I'm hoping that my body cooperates, but I am not holding my breath. Unfortunately, Bailey needs food and she's not going to get it until later. Poor girl...

So, here is what is happening in our Bailey's development this week:

Fetal development in pregnancy week 30:fetus in seventh month

The light is visible at the end of the tunnel! Your oversized self and amazing growing baby have finally reached the single digits (in terms of weeks till birth)! The fine lanugo hair that has been growing all over their little monkey-like body is going to start falling off this week in preparation for the big day. But don’t be shocked if they’re hairier than you’d anticipated, some babies keep their lanugo until after birth. Still, it’s not any cause to be concerned as it will fall off eventually. No surprises here: your little porker is getting even cuter with increasingly pudgy arms and legs this week thanks to the ever-growing layers of subcutaneous fat. In terms of numbers, they’ll be weighing in at around 3 pounds 12 ounces (or more!) and are nearly 16 inches long.

And how's mom doing?

On a very serious note: you should make sure to determine both you and your baby’s blood type. (We have...this is the RH Factor that I keep talking about! Today I get my first shot...another will be done after Bailey is born) It’s extremely important for everyone. In the case that you and your maturing babe’s blood types don’t match there’s a chance you could produce antibodies that could potentially attack and harm a future fetus. It is rare, but with modern medicine, the problem is easily corrected and little cause for concern if dealt with properly.

As for the ongoing joys of being in your third trimester: your not-so-fun symptoms are just intensifying this week, so it might not hurt to slow down a bit and focus on yourself. If you’re feeling extra fatigued, you’ve probably joined the "sleeping shouldn’t be this tough when I’m this tired" club, especially if you’re experiencing a lot of back pain and general discomfort. If you’ve been pushing the exercise thing, then this is the time perhaps to cut down on the physical activities and focus more on getting proper sleep (if this means buying a pregnancy pillow, then do it!). Oh and all that moodiness? Just go with the flow emotionally. This doesn't mean letting the hormones win and becoming a complete psychotic. Instead, feel the feelings, but know that the drama you’re feeling is largely a result of increased adrenaline thanks indirectly to hormonal swings—not because things really are that dramatic and merit adult temper tantrums. The clincher symptom for this week: it’s highly likely your libido has gone on sabbatical (or NOT). This, as far as we’re concerned is perfectly natural in your condition.

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