
Just Another Manic Monday!

LOL - I woke up with that song in my head. I'm not sure why. It was 4 AM and my alarm went off. I rolled over and suddenly that song started playing in my head. I finally understand it...all these years later.

Anyway. I'm now a resident of the guest bedroom in our house. Before you start thinking badly about Kelly, let me just say that she offered to move and let me stay in our bed. I refused to let that happen! Apparently, I snore. And not just my usual kick me and I roll over and it goes away snorning. Instead, it's the horrid rabid-bear snoring that is common toward the end of pregnancy. According to Kelly, it became intolerable a couple of nights ago when I started snoring on both the inhale and the exhale. LOL! No matter how much kicking, waking or rolling I did - I still snore. Loudly. And she can't sleep.

I sleep great...LOL! I've had no issues sleeping...other than an achy back, but again, that's just normal.

So, I have moved into the guest room until Bailey is born. It's just easier for both of us. We need our sleep. Without it, we get cranky and then we fight. And the more we fight, the more we nit-pick each other. And that is the worse kind of deadly sin in our relationship. We both HATE being nit-picked.

With that knowledge, I choose the guest room, and nights of easy sleep for both of us. I'll move back in when the baby is born and hopefully the worst of my snoring has passed.

I have 9 full weeks left of work. That doesn't seem like that many. It's amazing how fast this pregnancy has gone. Before we know it, Bailey will be here...no longer a thought, a plan or a dream...but a real live baby who needs us. Goodness.

Sometimes, I'm so amazed by that thought that it takes my breath away. I can't believe that my life has become this living dream. I mean, I wanted this for so long. I worked towards it. I dreamed of Kelly long before I met her. I imagined a life, shared with someone who challenged me and loved me beyond reason. I dreamed of raising children (and specifically a daughter). I dreamed of a little house in the suburbs where I could plant flowers and sit on my back porch in the morning with coffee and the birds. I dreamed of stability, predictability and the comfort of normalcy. I imagined carpools and playdates and birthday parties. I dreamed about stolen kisses from my lover when the kids were brushing their teeth, getting ready for bed. I imagined lazy Sundays with pancakes for breakfast and spending too long in our PJ's. I dreamed about Christmas trees that dripped with history and were laced with loved and imagination.

And I have all of that. More importantly, I have more than I ever imagined I could have. I am living my dream, but I am doing it with my very best friend and my deepest love by my side. All the dreams are nothing compared to the reality. The cardinals were not so red in my dreams, the summer sun not so warm, the colors of my life were never this bright.

I never, ever want to forget to be thankful for all that I have. My life is truly a dream and each day that I get to live in it is a blessing. I wish there were words for all that I feel in my heart, but since there isn't, I'll just leave it at what I've already said.

1 comment:

Susanica said...

Aw...and you were up way earlier than the original "6:00 already I was just in the middle of a dream" ;-) Hope you guys had a great weekend. What a sweet tribute to Kelly at the end there. You should really start your own greeting card company you know! What should we call Tuesday? "Just another Lethargic Tuesday, whoa, oh, whoa..." Monica