
Getting Closer

It's hard to believe that we have 71 days left until our due date. After our Maybe Baby class last winter, we set our plan to begin trying to get pregnant at the start of 2007. Well, 2007 has started and the bread is almost ready to come out of the oven. Sometimes we find ourselves sitting around relaxing and look at each other and grin...soon we won't be able to do this. Soon we will be completely consumed with little miss Bailey. Oh wait...we already are! Ahh, but we understand the difference. It's so exciting because so many people that have been pregnant with us are ready to deliver. Mikki's brother and fiance called last night as they were on their way to the hospital with contractions 7 minutes apart. (They ended up being told to go home and walk, but they will probably deliver sometime today.) Many fellow bloggers are either waiting in the "any day now" process or have just delivered. Many others (including my sister and cousin) are within a few weeks of our due date. If we rounded up all these new babies that we have shared the pregnancy jouney with, we would have enough kids to start our own day care. We have truely started a new phase in our lives. ~Kelly

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