
"Feeling it accutely"

So, this morning I woke up to a very weird belly and a distinct inability to keep anything in my belly. It goes in my mouth and then comes right back out a few minutes later from another place. Not pretty. I'm at home today. The bitch of it all is that I feel okay - I'm not feeling sick, but I can't eat. And when I do it's not good.

And because I'm pregnant, I have to eat. So. There you have it.

I called my doctor just to let them know that I've been sick a lot lately. Nothing major - no major fevers, no major loss of body fluids (until today), nothing really to worry about. Just constantly unwell. The response I got back was a question. They asked how I felt before I was pregnant - how often was I sick, etc? I explained that I was very rarely ill and almost never had problems with feeling tired or worn out. Then, they told me that I was probably just feeling the normal pains and discomforts of pregnancy accutely - because of the contrast to my usual good health. The additional weight isn't helping either. And I'm not really enjoying healthy food lately. I try - but when I have to choke down food to feed my appetite, it's hard for me to pick the "leafy greens".

But, I'm going to try harder. Perhaps I just need to invade my body with nothing but good health and some excersise. While things are so slow at work, I'll use my lunch break and walk for a bit.

What I do know is that once this child is born, I am getting back to my usual healthy self. Honestly, I don't care about my weight so much. I was always able to do whatever I want. I was extremely flexible, had a high endurance for excersise and ate well. Whether I weight 140 or 230 while those things are true is irrelevant...as long as those thing remain true. Right now, they are not. When this is over, I'm getting back to me. I figure, I'll have about two months to really focus on it while I'm home with the baby...and then I'll keep it up with our gym at work.

I'm tired of feeling like I have a parasite eating at me.

1 comment:

treewater said...

DOOD-(I start every comment with that, don't I???) Fetuses & Embryos ARE parasites by definition! They use our bodies to survive and thrive with no concern for how we are doing! They suck our nutrients out of our bodies leaving us (sometimes) malnourished (hence, pre-natal vitamins)...