
Back to the Land of the Living

Ah yes, I love pregnancy. It seems that all I need to do is breath one spore of "bad" air that is contaminated with a virus, and I get sick. That's me. Sick girl. It sucks. Really.

I am back to work today, and back to feeling useful. I hate not working. I hate being sick. I hate sitting around and feeling lazy, even though it hurts to move. I hate sleeping so much. I just plain hate it. I have high expectations of myself and I can't stand it when my body doesn't cooperate. And it hasn't been recently.

But, enough of the bitching. I took care of myself and I am apparently better. Lots to do and not much time to do it in, but what's new?

We broke through 18 weeks. We're working on 19. I'm loving it. I want this baby here sooner rather than later. May still seems awfully far away, but maybe we'll give birth in April. That doesn't seem so far away.

Enough rambling. Time to work.

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