
All Good

According to our doctor, everything is all good with the baby!

A couple of cool things to point out:

1) I still have not gained any weight. This is not a problem - in fact, it's a good thing.

2) We have to schedule our 20 week ultrasound in the next few weeks. Exciting. We hope that we don't accidently see (or not see, as the case my be) a peebug (Kelly's word, not mine). And if we do, you'll never know...hehehe

3) I have negative blood and our donor has positive blood. No worries, but I will have to recieve a shot in my 24th week to prevent my body from creating an antibody to the postive blood. There is a pretty cool scientific explanation to all of this, but too long for right now. In summary, it's all about the RH Factor (Andrea, feel free to go searching on the internet...LOL).

4) They stuck me. The drew mine blood. They are testing for toxo-something or other. We have cats. Three of them. They need to make sure I've not been exposed to the yuckiness in their poop. It could hurt the little honey. Hence, the blood.

5) We met the male half of the two doctors in our practice. For those of you in my family - his characteristics reminded me of the best parts of Scott. He was funny and warm. Charismatic and gave off a confident, but not cocky, energy. We are VERY happy with our choice of practices. We can honestly say that we don't care who is on call the night (or day?) we deliver.

6) We heard a healthy heartbeat (mine and our little honey's!) . The doc estimated it at 150 beats per minute. While the doctor was poking around, little honey gave a nice big kick that we loudly heard on the doppler (but I didn't feel it...not yet). This made me crack up...and I proceeded to laugh for an embarrasingly long amount of time. You know how I get. The doc had a good sense of humor and found it mildly amusing.

That's the update! In summary, the baby is healthy and I'm doing well and both are healthy.

1 comment:

treewater said...

Here's some follow-up infor for you, dude:
A) ToxoPLASMOSIS - a bacterial infection possibe to get from cat feces. Can be harmful to Junior. This is why you are not supposed to be on cat box duty while gestating...
B) RH fator. The negative or positive in your blood type relates to this RH factor. If you are negative (like you, dude) your body does not have it or recognize it, and therefore will attack it like a germ via immune system. This is only a problem if the mom is negative and the baby is positive. If mom is Positive and baby is negative, it just means that mom's immune system could identify the RH factor if it were there, but baby doesn't have it, so it is a wash. Two positives are fine too since mom and baby's immune systems would recognize it, likewise two negatives are fine too, 'cuz there is nothing in baby for mom's body to detect as foreign. I was an RH baby. My mom had no shot. I was fine, but I was late and jaundice and had to be incubated for a couple of days. Without the shot, your RH neg. body would attack the RH pos. baby and your immune system would record this as a threat and be prepared to fight this next time around much sooner (i.e. miscarriage). I don't know if the shot is a preventative for the immune system recognizing the RH factor or some kind of vaccination-type shot that prevents it longer term.
I think I have been pretty accurate, but I may be a bit off... Anyone with info should post it here because I would love to know more about this...