

I woke up this morning feeling exhausted and queasy. After not being able to eat breakfast, I fell asleep for a few extra minutes, which put me behind in my morning routine. Not to worry, though - it all came together in the end and we were on the bus on time. Now I'm at work, ready for another day.

These days the pattern of my life is so simple that it's pretty easy to manage the queasiness and constant exhaustion. I get up, do my morning stuff, go to work, come home, eat and go to bed. That pretty much encompasses it all. It's simple and slow and works for right now. It'll get old soon, but my tired self really appreciates the easy predictability of it all.

Tonight, we may get almost all of our baby goods. We were checking out Craig's List and there was an add for just about everything a person could want - a crib, mattress, high chair, stroller, car seat and base, two play mats, a bunch of clothes and other fabric goods (bibs, burp clothes, etc), a snuggly, bottles, boppy pillow and other stuff. And she's practically giving it all away - at $350 for all of it. WOO HOO!!! I love a bargain! We're going to get some pictures this morning and then, provided that it all looks as good as she says, we're going to go on out and pick it up tonight. The clothes are boy-clothes (which is really good, because we're not big fans of girl clothes!).

I love buying second-hand stuff. It seems so communal and responsible. I mean, honestly - if you can get the stuff second-hand and have it be the exact same (or very close) quality as brand new, why not? It's less money that we have to drop on something that we're not going to need once the baby grows, and we don't have to feel bad spending thousands of dollars that we could be investing, saving or putting toward their future education. So, I'm excited.

We're going to do an "under-the-sea" theme for our nursery. We're absolutely delighted with our options and it'll work no matter what gender our child is. Also, it's something that they can stick with for a couple of years. The plan is to move the first out of the crib into a toddler bed about the time that the second is born. So we need a versitile room. And of course - you know what happens to the best-laid plans. BUT...there you have it.

Enough rambling for today! I'll write tomorrow and let you know how the big purchase went...

1 comment:

MaverickMama said...

That's fantastic! I'm also a huge fan of free and second hand. It leaves more money for the things that I think are really important plus I can pass it all along to the next baby in the community when I'm done. I hope that you like the style.