
Not Much To Say

I don't have much to say today. For those of you who are wondering - I'm feeling okay about the job situation. It sucks, but it's real and I can deal with real. Besides, how can I complain? I have a good job, good benefits, security and the comfort of knowing that all I have to do is show up, put in my time and our life will continue forward. I have a lot more than most people, and I need to not forget to be grateful for that.

So, I'm okay.

I've not been horribly sick since Saturday morning. Some twinges here and there, but nothing that is rough. I'm hoping this holds. Even I can deal with this. I'm going to try to get a good walk in this evening. The air felt so good last night and I want to start walking again. I think it'll help.

We're going camping this weekend. I'm REALLY looking forward to it. I love to camp.

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