
Gonna Be Okay...For Today

Yesterday's hopsital stay resulted in very good results. Kelly's blood pressure is down where is should be, the non stress test was perfect and the bio scan ultrasound showed nothing but a healthy Connor.

We'll keep what we are doing with the bed rest and hope it continues to work.

My job is fantastic and are letting me do 6:30 AM - 3:00 PM days every day until leave. This will help tremendously. I will go back to doing that three days a week when I get back from leave, with two later days. God love my boss for being willing (and able) to work with me.

Kelly is being allowed to telecommute the rest of her pregnancy. This works, because it keeps her occupied and keeps her laying down.

Now...two more weeks and two days and Connor can come whenever he feels like it!

1 comment:

Susanica said...

Excellent news you guys. Kelly, it sounds like you're going to have to pretend you are a very lazy person for a while. I know that will be hard for you. If you want. You can just pretend you are me. ;-)

Give us a holler if you need anything? Mikki, let's talk tonight about logistics for Sat. I can get the stuff from you Friday if it seems best you not come. Talk to you soon. -Monica