
Getting Closer!

We are only 50 days away from that magical day that says that Connor is fully 40 weeks. Of course, any person who has ever been pregnant knows that no woman HOPES to go the full 40 weeks. I guess I shouldn't say that...maybe there are women out there who love pregnancy so much that they want to be that pregnant. But I wasn't one of them, and neither is Kelly.

So here are the numbers.

We have 50 days until our due date.
We have 7 Weeks and 1 day until our due date.
We are 33 weeks pregnant tomorrow.
We are 4 weeks and 1 day away from being considered full term (at 37 weeks)
We are 1 week and 1 day away from the magic 34 weeks when they wouldn't stop labor if it were to start.

This weekend, we will spend a full 8 hour day at the hospital doing a birth class. It will cover all topics, from relaxation techniques to the stages of labor, and will include a tour of the birthing suites and postpartum unit. Now, we've had a baby at this hospital before, but I had all kinds of fancy ideas about how I wanted my labor to go. Not one of those fancy ideas panned out and we never took any kind of birth class. We are going for the super-compressed, one-day, bang-it-all-out class. Kelly's entire birth philosophy is centered around the one major theme of "go with the flow." Seriously. She doesn't have any expectations, hopes or desires. She has some fear, but that hasn't gotten unmanageble yet. She will stay home until she is ready to go to the hospital. She will do it naturally until she is ready for an epidural. When they tell her it's time to push, she'll push and if they tell her it is time to have a c-section, off we'll go to the operating room.

I love my laid-back girl. This process doesn't seem nearly as daunting as it did when I was pregnant. That might be because we have done it before, but I don't know. I just think that going into the experience relaxed and ready for whatever happens is better than going into the experience will all the expectations that I had. Our one goal is a healthy child and a healthy Mommy. Whatever else happens is not up to us.

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