
31 Days

Connor Watch reports not much new today. We managed to get the load of blankets/towels/sheets into the washer, but not the dryer. Kelly will get that today. Kelly has a non-stress test and ultrasound scan of Connor today. Unlucky me has to miss it, because work requires that I be here. And I'm saving as much time as I can. This will be the first significant appointment I've missed. In fact, I've only ever missed one non-stress test (on Friday). This will be the second and the first bio-scan ultrasound.

Sometimes I hate my job.

Snow is finally falling in our region. The commute in to work was fine. The commute home is going to suck in a major way. And I'm not being overly sarcastic here. The fuckers in this town absolutely CAN NOT drive when any kind of precipitation is falling. Hell, traffic slows down 30 mph when it RAINS. You can imagine what happens when there is snow, sleet and freezing rain in the forcast. It's a nightmare.

But, at least it's finally snowing. This will make the first snowfall of the year here in DC. Literally - the first inch of snow. Insanity, I say.

On an unrelated and exciting in a watching a train wreck kind of way - the building next to my office is currently burning to the ground. I spent about a half hour this morning watching from my boss's 14th floor window, looking down on the firemen creating holes in the roof (we assume vents??) and watching the flames shoot out of the windows in the alley. They assured us that our building was not in jeapordy and that they had the fire completely under control. So, I watched in facination as these very, very brave souls did there work. It was kind of cool.

Now, onto more work for me! I'll update with the non-stress test and ultasound results. Sorry, no pictures. I forgot the camera at home. We actually have 2 rounds of belly shots to share. I'm such a picture-slacker.

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