
30 Week Appointment

The 30 week appointment yesterday went well. Kelly had gained an additional 3 pounds, bringing the total to 30 pounds. Her belly is measuring somewhere between 31 and 32 CM (which correlates to weeks pregnant...so to be perfect, she would be measuring 30). They are not concerned about her being a bit big...anywhere in the 2 week range up or down is fine.

The biggest thing is that we talked to our doctor about the continuing Braxton Hicks contractions. She told us to stop worrying and to call them if they got painful or if they increased in frequency per hour. Right now, Kelly is averaging between 6 and 14 BH's a day. At 30 weeks, they are much less worried about that than they were at 28 weeks. At 34 weeks, they wouldn't even try to stop labor. So, every day brings us closer to that magic mark. Should any of the BH's become painful or start coming quicker, we'll respond. Until then, we are just going to try to relax and enjoy the holidays.

Blood pressure was perfect. Heart beat was fast, but perfect. Kelly commented that he had been very active just before the heart rate was taken, so that makes sense.

Everything is as it should be. Now...we just need to get through the next 69 days (if it takes that long...)!

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