
She's Brilliant

I think our child is brilliant. I say this knowing that I'm completely biased and that Bailey is probably just a normal kid. But still. I think she's a genius.

Especially because she cares about the same things I do.

For instance - she likes things clean. After eating she holds out her hands and asks for them to be cleaned.

Another example - last night, she proved that she knows how to close the dishwasher, lock it and then turn it on (to the right cycle, I might add). She proved it because she did it.

And she talks. She talks like I have never heard another child her age talk. There is nothing she can't say and she repeats everything. Last night on the way home, she recited all the colors in the rainbow to me (including black, brown and white). She said all her numbers, 1-10. She is beginning to string words together in ways that make sense. For instance, if I say "your dinner" she repeats "my dinner". She knows when things are hers and when they aren't. She talks about her "brother Connor". She asks to color, knows where they are kept and asks appropriately. The other day, she stood in the family room and pointed to the kitchen saying "paint". We didn't understand her (we had never heard her use the word before). After about 5 times, of us looking and point to various other objects, she went to the fridge (her art supplies are on top of the fridge) and said "color".

God, I love her. She makes me laugh, she makes me stare at her and wonder where this incredible creature came from. How could I have grown her? She seems to be the very best of both of us, wrapped up into this walking, talking little girl. She's got attitude that I adore, even when it pisses me off. She's smart, she's funny, she's charming and god, she is so beautiful to me.

On the way out of daycare this morning, she asked for a final kiss goodbye and when I gave it to her, she wiped the tears out of her eyes, smiled at me and said "goodbye Momma". So simple, and yet it's the reason my day will be spectacular.

I'm not sure who to thank. I'm not a God person, but if I were, I'd think him/her. I'm not very spiritual, and yet I know that she is not just a product of our love. She is a creature unto herself, and a gift from this life. She is the best thing that has ever happened to Kelly and I, and there are no words...none...that could ever express the joy she has brought to our lives.

What a love child she is. And god, what love we feel.

1 comment:

Susanica said...

We both agree that Bailey is way advanced Mikki. I'll be curious to see how she tests once she gets to that age. Your biggest challenge will probably be to get her into a school later where she won't get frustrated by the lack of challenge. She really is pretty damn amazing in her vocab, motor and other skills. And she's a cutie petutie too! -Monica and Susanne and Danny Boy