
More Voting Thoughts

Thanks for your feedback on my voting crisis. I really do appreciate other people's thoughts when it comes to stuff like this.

I guess, perhaps, I'm just another disenfranchised voter. I truly believed in the system for the vast majority of my life. I realized that it only worked because we bought into it and that in order for a democracy to represent its people, we all actually had to participate.

But then, I started looking around. And honestly, I just don't see where I'm represented. I can't marry the woman that I love and have it be recognized by the government. I can't elect to not pay my taxes when I completely disagree with what the money is being spent on. I'm smack in the middle of the middle-class squeeze and nobody seems to care of that. I'm not too poor and I don't make enough money to enjoy the money I do make.

Honestly, folks, I'm just tired. Maybe it's a blanket statement, but I'm sick of lying politicians. Monica - you made a great comments (which I wholeheartedly agree with) that perhaps the politicians voted for the bailout to secure their own relection. But that's the problem. My litmus test used to be whether someone was a democrat or not. Now, it's the bailout.

Here's the thing, though. I get home so late. In order to vote, I have to either miss my Bailey's bath and bedtime or I have to bring her with me and make her stay up late in a line. Or, I have to leave work early and use my PTO time. All, to do something I don't believe in.

I'd rather just go to bed. It's all exhausting.

In the end, I'll probably end up voting. Maybe in the morning. I'll go and mark my ballot and vote for Nader and that will be that. But I gotta tell you - I think it's a waste of time.

1 comment:

bleu said...

I can only say this regarding voting or not.
As a gay woman I feel it is your duty to try and shape this country into a place where your children will grow up with their parents not being oppressed or considered second class citizens.
On top of that while I do support someones right to NOT vote, I truly feel if you do not vote you honestly do not have the right to complain how things are. That is just my view.