

I woke up this morning grumpy. Bitchy is probably a more accurate description, but I'm trying to curb my nasty swearing habit.

Actually, I'm not. I'll be honest because today there is no other option. I don't give a shit about swearing. I really don't. Some people think it makes you sound uneducated. Some people think kids should not swear. Some people just think it's bad form.


I don't give a shit about swearing either way.

If you don't swear, good for you. I do. I like to swear. I think a well-placed "fuck" can really punch up a person's sentence. Hell, I think a poorly placed "fuck" is still a good exclamation point.

And I don't care if kids swear. The only reason I care is because other people look at you like you're a bad parent if you kid drops the "shit" or "fuck" bomb in public. Don't kids get frustrated too? And I am of the mind that shouting "shit" or "fuck" when something is shitty or fucked up is appropriate. I don't see why our kids shouldn't be able to express themselves in the same way.

Same thing with the word "cunt". I'll not get into this one. But needless to say, it's one of my favorite words and I don't understand why people think it's such a bad word. I really don't.

The point - I'll probably laugh the first time Bailey drops the f-bomb. Honestly. And I'll probably tell her that using those words around other people is not appropriate until she is old enough to tell them to fuck off when they correct her. And inside, I'll still be laughing. Because I think it's funny. I really do.

Anyway. I've probably offended some people with this post. And I don't care today. Cause I'm grumpy. Bitchy, really.


bleu said...

I am not overly concerned with swearing but when Bliss has said some words asking what they have meant from hearing me use them, well some of them I just don't like him using, but I am never anal about it. I DO think it is important to know how NOT to swear if you want to. When I taught high school I enforced a no swearing policy to teach the kids that.

Cussing at teachers is not ok. Using swear words to be disrespectful I am not a fan of either so I like a person to have control over when they use them and many kids didn't.

That said the only severely enforced word in our home is we do not allow "stupid" to be used. It is hurtful.

I have laughed loudly though at Bliss saying shit at times.

heatherc3678 said...

Great You and Ashley will get along fine when you meet. She cusses like a sailor. I cuss to but she out does me. I have done everything I can to try and stop this, even trying the reverse giving her a dime everytime she does it. So good luck and cuss on LOL
