

I'm going through a complete disconnect from work right now. I'm not sure why it's happening this time around, but it's happened before.

I'm not unhappy or anything with my job. But the priority that I place on my job always comes behind Bailey, Kelly, Home, Me (in that order). Right now so much of what me and Kelly do is about one of the first four things...and that leaves work shit out of luck.

Lucky for me, my coworker on maternity leave returned and my work load has been cut in half. It still hasn't picked back up, but it will. As soon as we shake out the who-does-what stuff again, my projects will get more intense.

But for this week, I'm kind of on a vacation-while-at-work. I'm doing what I have to and trying to appear busy. After all, who will REALLY know if what I'm doing is planning our 2010 family vacation or finding preschools for my daughter?

I don't even feel guilty.

1 comment:

treewater said...

Dude - Slooooooooow down on the family vaca planning! We need to have a group discussion about that :) And 2010 is a way off... How about Canada?