
No Sleep and Progress

Things seem to be par for the course around here. Kelly is starting to move back up the hill of feeling better. She vomits only in the mornings, right after getting out of bed. The rest of the day she is okay. She still feels extremely nauseated if she forgets to take her Zofran, though, so we know that she is not in the clear yet. Her appetite is finally picking up, also. She can eat more and figuring out what to eat isn't such a chore. I wouldn't want to give the impression that we are completely through it, but we are definitely headed in that direction.

Her sweet, sweet little baby bump is becoming less of a "bump" and more of an obvious pregnant belly. This past weekend, Kelly finally gave in and we did the necessary shopping for some maternity shirts. Can I just say that I am extremely disappointed in maternity clothes. As a large woman, I had a hard time and shopping for Kelly was equally as difficult. See, they don't make gender-neutral maternity clothes. It's all girly, frilly, lacy and CRAPPY. All the shirts are low cut to show off cleavage. The sleeves are puffy. Yuck. Even I couldn't stand the options. We found some maternity button down oxfords on JCPenny.com....I'm hoping those will work. We did leave the store with one black suit, five shirts and a pair of gray pants. That's a good start.

We have a doctors appointment on Friday. We will get our slip for our 20 week ultrasound at this appointment. We will try to hold off and not go in until the end of September or first week of October. We are pretty anxious to get a view of this littler honey...we haven't had any pictures at all since the heartbeat confirmation at 7 weeks!!! Feels like we got more ultrasounds in the first pregnancy...

I got no sleep last night. Bailey has this thing where she will go a couple of nights without sleeping. Seriously, she woke up every 45 minutes last night, just wanting to be held and comforted. Of course, I did...her cry is so pitiful and despondent in the middle of the night. But lord, I'm tired today. Between 11 PM and 4 AM, I was up with her 7 times. *sigh*

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