
I Should Be Working

Really. I have a million and one things to do. It seems that there is a very fine line for me between busy good and busy bad. I do great under stress (normal stress, anyway) and there is a lot of that going on here at my job. But when it gets overwhelming (like it is now), I just shut down. I don't want to work. I want to play online. I want to search for beach houses for next year's family vacation. I want to look at homes on a lake in Vermont for Kelly and I to retire to. I want to plan Disney vacations. What I don't want to do is process data and create webpages and plan giving baskets for the homeless. I don't want to organize the charity run, I don't want to write letters to donors, I don't want to responded to the million questions and emails I get every day.

So, a five minute break to update you all (I wonder how many people are still reading?) and then off to do all the things I don't want to do.

This past weekend was lovely. It was horribly hot, so we didn't spend much time outside (which bums us all out, as it is Bailey's favorite place to be). We did, however, go to the indoor swimming pool for the first time. Bailey hated it. Then she loved it.

I got her in her swimsuit and held her tightly to me as I entered the water. The water was a madhouse, with kids jumping, splashing, yelling and generally having a great time. I was, of course, annoyed at those kids because they were scaring Bailey. But still. They were just being kids. We waded in pretty quickly, and Bailey clung and wimpered. I got her away from the crowd and we just stood along the side and watched the kids. Bailey loved that part. I never relaxed my grip on her, and I let her cling to me. Just as she was starting to relax, a kid jumped in right beside us and covered us with water. Bailey screamed. The poor kid looked liked he was going to cry. I glared at him. I couldn't help it. I mean, really?

Anyway, after about 15 more minutes and lots of soothing, comforting words wispered in her ear, Bailey began to relax. She started to look at the actual water and even let her legs relax from their vice-grip hold on my hips. By the end of our 45 minute stay in the water, she was holding my hands with the rest of her body floating and giggling while I slowly turned her in circles.

I think it was successful. We'll go back this week.

Then, yesterday, was another big day of change for our Bailey. She has been in the process of moving up to Toddler 1 at daycare. She is currently in Infant 2. Yesterday, they began the process in earnest and Bailey rose to the changes like a champion. For starters, they took her over to the new room at 11 AM, where she stayed for the rest of the day. At lunch time, she sat at the table (NOT in a high chair) and ate lunch with the other kids, using an adult-sized spoon. At 12 (which is naptime), they put her sheet on a cot and she layed down just like a big kid and went right to sleep. She woke up an hour and 45 minutes later and just hung out on her cot until it was time to get up. She did it like it was nothing!!!

When I arrived to pick her up, she was happily playing in the sand table with the other kids and very much enjoying herself.

We're excited about the transition. She's been ready for a while, but her Infant 2 teacher loves her so much that they have done the transition slowly. Perhaps to Bailey's detriment. She needs to get up there with the big kids. And now she is. The transition will be complete within 2 weeks.

Kelly weighed Bailey last night and the scale put her at 26.4 pounds. She's a freakin' big girl!!!

It's been more than five minutes. I've got to get going on my stuff here at work. *sigh*

1 comment:

treewater said...

Just thought I'd let you know that I still ALWAYS read..... XOXO