
Very Emotional

We've had a new development with our B Bubbles. She has become over-the-top emotional.

Telling her no is cause for a serious hurt-feelings meltdown. For example, yesterday, she wanted to play with the DVD player. I, of of course, firmly told her no a couple of times. When that didn't work (she ignored me), I put my lunch down and went over to the DVD player, spun her around and moved her away to another toy.

WELL. This prompted a sobbing breakdown with real tears and big hiccups and all kinds of emotion. And she did this like 20 times yesterday...whenever she didn't get her way.

Another new thing - she wines constantly. If she is not happy with how something is, she wines at it or about it until it is fixed or until she finds a new way to do whatever she is doing.

Our solution to both of these terrible developments?

Ignore her. With the big sobs, we just direct her away from whatever we are telling her no about and engage her with something else. And a hug usually helps. But no coddling. No affirmations in any way that her behavior is netting her something. And the whining. Well. The whining just gets categorically ignored.

Now, more than ever, I thank god that Kelly and I are a strong couple. It's been nice to be able to look at her and hand Bailey off without a word when I'm ready to snap. I hope I've been as helpful to her.

Happy Monday everyone! I'm going to wake our B up and get started with this day!

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