

It's war in our house. We're fighting for the bed.

Bailey slept with us for one night. ONE NIGHT. And now, she won't sleep in her crib.

Her very, very, very, VERY tired Momma and Mommy are fighting back. Tonight, her crib is being moved from our bedroom into her bedroom. She will be put to bed at her usual time. We will do the usual routine. We will lay her down and we will love on her and we will give her the binky and we will snuggle her.

After that - we will NOT go into her room. We will NOT be slaves to the binky. We will NOT get up with her constantly. She WILL scream herself to sleep if that is what she insists on doing.

One thing is for sure - Momma's will is just as strong as Miss. Bailey's. She's about to learn that.


MaverickMama said...

Do you have teething tablets from Hylands brand? I was thinking it was about this time that I got really frusterated with baby boy....and then he cut four teeth all at once.

Best wishes for a good night of rest.

Karen B Prosser said...

Oh my God! This is so familiar. When Amy was a year old, she would crawl out of her crib and come to our door crying, "I want to go to bip with you!"
We had a few nights of awfulness, and then it all calmed down and she stayed in her crib.
Good luck.
Auntie Karen