
She's Trying...

Our Bailey is trying SO HARD to crawl. She gets up on all fours and rocks back and forth. She crawls backwards, but she can't put it all together and move forward yet. Eventually, she just gives up, flops on her belly and fusses while waving her arms and legs back and forth.

I laugh at her.

Does that make me a horrible mother???

I also get down on the floor and encourage her to come to me and clap when she moves and I try to give her incentives to make it happen. Any day now we are going to have a crawling child.


Speaking of clapping...she now claps her hands when she is given something that she likes. It's the absolute sweetest thing in the entire world! Since she's been old enough to focus on us, we have clapped while saying "yeaaaaa!!!!". Now, she does it too. So sweet.

Finally - Bailey clearly says "Mum mum mum mum" when she is distressed. She won't say it on command and she doesn't mimic us when we say it to her. But when she is nervous or sad or upset about something she clearly says it while looking at us (she doesn't seem to decipher which one of us is Mom...which is GREAT!). It's usually combined with her burying her head in our necks or rubbing her eyes.

Super sweet.

I can't believe that she is almost 7 months old. How the hell did that happen????

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