

So, I like to think that Kelly and I are pretty good about not catering to Miss. B at every moment of the day. You know, we like to be just a little moderate.

The one thing that we do is get up at night and put the binky back in her mouth when it falls out. I've been reading (and have been told) that this isn't a good thing. I'm interested in what people think...

YES...this is your ONE chance to give us a little SOLICITED advice!


MaverickMama said...

I don't exactly understand the issue. Why is it a problem to put her binky back in her mouth (other then aggrivating inturruption of sleep)? Anyway she will be able to pick it up and put it back in her mouth on her own soon. Too bad I never was able to get baby boy to take a paci...although my mom was successful a few times.

treewater said...

I really think it is totally up to you guys. As long as you are willing to do it without getting too cranky about it, why not? If you get sick of it at some point and decide not to continue, it will be an adjustment for Bailey, but the same adjustment later as it would be now...