
All Good

Sometimes joy just comes around and takes hold. The three of us are all doing so well right now. Maybe it is the approaching holidays. Maybe it's the weather. Maybe it's just that we needed a little easy happiness and so it's come around. Whatever the reason, I am grateful.

Bailey is making leaps and bounds in her development. She's really just becoming a little girl rather than a baby. The "one-hand" rule has been implemented in our house. One hand must be on the baby at all times, unless she is already on the floor. She is so wiggly and squirmy. Now that she can roll in all directions and can scoot on her back, nothing is sacred. Bailey can get what she wants and with her determined attitude, she will.

Last night, while Kelly was getting her bath ready, she decided she wanted the trash bag that I was about to put her dirty diaper in. She was on one side of our king-sized bed. I turned around for one second (literally) to put something in the trash and when I turned back around she had rolled to the other side of the bed and had the garbage bag in her mouth. LOL - so...no back turning, no leaving her alone, no quick trips to the bathroom while she hangs out on the floor. Bailey is mobile and Mommy and Momma are on notice!

Kelly and I are both doing really well. Kelly is working really hard right now as she learns her new job and jumps in with both feet. She's putting in lots of hours and is still checking her blackberry from home. It's actually quite cute. She probably wouldn't agree...she doesn't like to bring her work home with her...but I think there is something really funny (sexy?) about her checking her email before bed. LOL! Honestly, she's doing a great job. She got her evaluation and just rocked. She's good at what she does and I'm so proud of her. I'm glad that she is getting the recognition that she deserves for the work that she is doing. It makes me proud...

As for me, things are status quo. I feel so much better than I did a month ago. The problem with being an over-emotional drama queen (yes, I'll admit it) is that I often have to hit rock bottom to be able to bounce back. I was hoping that Prozac would be the cure-all...but as with anything in life, a little pill didn't fix it all. It has helped, but it has also taken some mental healing for me to come back to myself. The last six months have been tough, but I made it through and that is all that matters. I've come out on the other side of postpartum armed with lots of knowledge about how my body reacts to all those hormones and about how difficult it can truly get. I may not be able to prevent depression with the next child, but at least I'll be able to recognize the feelings and signs before they become so horrible.

It's just another lesson in my life, and I'll take it and grow from it.

So that is how we're doing! Bailey is going to be six months in a week. Six months old. How did that happen????? It's just amazing. Anyway. Have a great weekend everyone!

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