

It's up and then it's down...and then it's back up.

After sleeping 9 hours last night (from 7 PM - 4 AM), she crashed out again this morning from 4:30 - 8:15 AM. She never did wake up when I was writing that last post. She did, however, manage to poop again at some point during that morning sleeping session and it looked MUCH better. (It feels strange to say poop looked good...but there you have it.) She got up and ate (she only wanted 4 ounces). She didn't vomit much. We played on the bed. We played in the exersaucer. I wore her and we explored the house and stared at each other in the mirror. We giggled. We laughed. We smiled and stuck our tongues out at each other. At around 10:15, Bailey let me know she was hungry again by starting her fussing and putting her hands in her mouth so far that she gagged herself. (She likes to make her point). I mixed up a bottled with six ounces and brought her upstairs. She ate, stopping midway to burp and puke (not so bad this time) and then she finished. After she finished she giggled for a few minutes and then fussed a little, and then went to sleep. She was sleeping at around 10:45. She's still sleeping. It's 12:51.

I've been trying to figure out what the difference is. It's not me. The formula is different. But, what I think is the true winner is...TYLENOL!!!!

Bailey is teething. I don't care what people say about age. She drools constantly, she brings everything to her mouth and she chews on anything that can get to it. And her little gums have this little hard spots on them and she gets really excited when we press on those spots. You can almost see the relief on her face. Last night, with her evening bottle, we gave her Tylenol. She slept 9 hours. This morning, with her bottle at 10:30, I gave her another dose because she was doing the mouth thing that I think is indicating that her teeth hurt her. She's still sleeping.

I'm convinced. Certainly yesterday couldn't have been comfortable for her with the constipation, but I also think that her mouth was hurting her. A terrible combination.

Man. This mothering is a learning curve from hell. But, now we've got another tool in our arsenal to help her feel a little better. I'm not a big fan of medicating, but hell. If she's in that much pain and a little Tylenol can help her feel this much better, I'm all about it.

Today is a good day.

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