

The "Honesty" post is not directed at anyone, and it is not my intention to make anyone feel guilty. I'm just blogging about the world as I see it, my experience with mothering and everything that goes along with it. These are my emotions, my feelings, and it's my reality.

If you felt guilty or got defensive, you might want to think about why...

1 comment:

Karen B Prosser said...

I read your honesty blog and felt such empathy and sympathy. To help bolster you, I am sending a copy of Anne LaMotte's book, Operating Instructions. It's about the first year of her son's life (she is a single mom). It is one of the funniest books about motherhood I have ever read and it will amaze you with its honesty about how mom's feel--just like you--exactly like you!

You are a great Momma, Mikki. Don't let anyone tell you differently.

Love and cheers,
Karen Prosser