
Another First

Yes, the very first dreaded cold of her time at childcare is upon us. Our Bailey is home today, all stuffed up, coughing up phlegm and generally feeling poopy. We've consulted with her doctor, who told us just to love her a little more, keep her on Tylenol for any aches and pains, and to watch for fever. We're keeping her out of childcare for today and maybe tomorrow.

Maybe we're panicking...but this is her FIRST time feeling shitty. Makes us both feel SOOOO bad for her!!!!!


treewater said...

Welcome to "taking-all-of-your-sick-time-for-your-kid" land!!! It is amazing how much sick time my colleagues end up taking NOT because THEY are ill, but because Jr. has the sniffles.... :)

Anonymous said...

Oh poor Bailey. Hope she feels better soon!
