
Baby Danny!

Congratulations, M&S on the birth of your little baby boy!!! Kelly and I are so excited, and are so looking forward to playdates and camping trips for years to come!!! Looking forward to the birth story, but take this time to rest and enjoy the first days! We'll see you tonight!

In other news, Bailey seems to have turned a small corner. She's sleeping pretty regularly at night - waking every three to four hours for a feeding (which is around twice a night). The extended hours of sleep have allowed both Kelly and I to actually get some rest that is restorative, as opposed to just surviving.

Also, Bailey can now be "entertained". She gets all excited looking at herself in her Sassy mirror and her playmat will actually hold her attention for about five minutes. Of course, our faces are her favorite, and she's begun tracking us when we walk away. Last night, she fixated on Kelly and nearly broke her neck trying to keep her in her line of sight when Kelly walked away. Very sweet!

She's also beginning to show preferences. For instance, she doesn't much like to be on her back. She's a side or a belly sleeper and is fast learning how to get herself into those positions. She rolls to her side every night, and this morning actually made it into her tummy. She doesn't much like to fall asleep, though, and often fights it with everything she's got. She has figured out how to fling her pacifier from her mouth using her fingers and when she's just about asleep, she will do this. Of course, losing the pacifier is enough to cause a meltdown. It's a vicious cycle.

Another thing is that she doesn't like to be held all that often. Sometimes she'll fall asleep in my arms, but more often than not, she wants to be left alone. The key here is that it has to be while she is already asleep, or very, very close to it. If she's even partially awake and you walk away from her, she gets very, very upset.

LOL - she's our doll. I truly love her with every fiber of my being, and I am so relieved that she is beginning to show some signs of coming out of these first difficult weeks. When the hard stuff is balanced out with the good, it's so much easier to take.

I'm still extremely bored, and my brain feels like a bad jello mold, but I'm adapting. Wine helps, but I've been trying to be careful with that. There is lots of alcoholism in my family and I don't want to deal with my frustration with alcohol. I'm just not a great infant-Momma. Well, let me rephrase that - I think I do a great job taking care of Bailey and being her Momma...but I am bored by it. Some people are just enraptured by small infants. Turns out, I'm not one of them. I adore her, and I live for those moments that are so precious they make my heart hurt...but I am really looking forward to more interaction.

Enough of that. Bailey has been bathed for the day. I'm waiting until she crashes out, then it's my turn. This afternoon we are driving into DC to visit M&S and see their new little boy. I'm not sure what is going to come in between. We'll see...

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