

What is it, really, that causes me to be so tired? Is it REALLY just that I'm growing a baby? I mean, honestly, I feel like I could fall right over and curl up on the sidewalk and sleep. I'm so tired all the time.

Tomorrow is a BIG HUGE day for us. It all begins in the morning, when I will stalk the line at DMV for my new drivers licence in my new name. After that we are off to our regular doctors appointment (wonder how much weight I've gained...). Then, we will be standing in line at the post office trying to get our holiday packages shipped out. Then, it's off to THE ultrasound. The 20 week! We absolutely cannot wait to see the baby again. Then lunch. Then we will spend the afternoon checking out childcare centers and (hopefully) find a couple we like enough to put ourselves on the waiting list. After that, we travel into the city for dinner with my mom and her co-worker.

It's going to be a long...but very, very exciting...day!

Today, the goal is to stay away long enough to do everything that needs to be done here. Uggg.

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