
Things That Make Me Happy

I figured that this was a good day to start this list, because I woke up sick and have been sick every second that I've been awake. Not fun.

So when it gets really rough, I'm going to read this list and think about what makes me happy and before I know it, I'll be back at home and feeling better...

1) Kelly's face when she first stumbles out of bed in the morning
2) Christmas
3) My mother's voice at 6:00 AM on Sunday mornings
4) Air that is so crispy cold it's ALMOST too cold
5) The smell of a fresh cut Christmas tree
6) A child's laughter
7) The thought of our child's laughter
8) Kelly's shoulder when what I need is a hug
9) Sleeping late on Saturday morning without interuption of having to pee
10) Talking to old friends
11) Deep red wine (on hold for now)
12) Sitting on the couch with Kelly, our feet sharing a blanket, with Tiny curled up in between
13) Flowers
14) Food that doesn't leave me feeling horrid (cucumbers and cantalope lately)
15) The first time I see Christmas lights on someone's house during the season
16) The sound of dead leaves scuttling on the ground
17) Boo Boo crying and Punkin nuzzling my neck when I hold her
18) Watching Kelly feed the babies every night
19) An empty sink in a clean kitchen with the light over the sink turned on
20) A blazing fire, a cup of cocoa and nowhere that I have to be

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great idea, sweetie! Hang in there... it will get better.