

Just because we've now been asked this question a lot (by many people), I wanted to put out there our "official" stance on why we are not going to find out the gender of the baby.

First - we really just don't want to know. There are very few true surprises left in this world, and the gender of our child is one of them. We want it to be a surprise.

Second - Kelly and I are not into gender stereotyping. Yes, we know - pink is for girls and blue is for boys and quite frankly, we think that's bullshit. We've got no issues with other people wanting that for their children, but we don't want a primarily pink wardrobe for a our daughter or a blue one for our son. The same applys for toys and other gifts. We just don't want the stereotype.

This has caused confusion for some people. How do you know what to buy if you don't know the gender? There are two answers to that question. First - buy a gift that could go for either gender. We're not picky. Stuffed animals are genderless. Books, blocks, loud toys that ensure constant headaches, cute little baby bath stuff - you get the picture. There are LOTS of options that don't have a gender assigned to them. Second - if you are not feeling adventurous - just buy from our registries. We'll have them posted in the next couple of months and that will take all the guess work out of it. All you've got to do is point and click.

So, at the risk of sounding rude - it's not that complicated. A baby is a baby is a child. Whether they are male or female (or god forbid, somewhere in between) is completely contrary to the point , and we don't need clothes or toys to define that for us (or for our child for that matter).

Anyway - I hope this clears the matter up.


Anonymous said...

you two rock! i'm so happy for you both and wish you all the best on this journey. your child is going to be amazing with such amazing parents.

love, max

bleu said...

I know thi sis an old post but I had to comment. I meet so few who "get it" ahem, uh, feel like I do.
I didn't find out with Bliss. I won't with this pregnancy. I also dressed Bliss in pink and green and yellow and blue when he was a baby. When he was about 18months he picked out a cute dress at Target. I bought it and he wore it and another we had in some hand me downs quite a bit. With his long hair it was really humorous when someone would say what a pretty girl he was and I would correct them.
I also go so far as to only like non-gender specific names. Hence Bliss would be Bliss no matter the gender, and the next will be Soul no matter the gender.
So good on ya and I am happy your little honey gets this precious time without having gender forcedon him or her.