
Bumpin' Music

Funny thing about our baby - s/he likes bumpin' loud music. I know that this sounds strange, and lots of poeple would have lots of ways to tell me that it's not the baby who likes the music, but all of those people would be wrong.

When I'm sick, feeling like crap, ready to vomit - all I have to do is get in the car and listen to the hip hop music really loudly. Right now, the baby is most fond of SexyBack by Justin Timberlake. I'm serious.

All of my symptoms disappear and it provides some much needed relief for just a few minutes. As soon as the music is turned off, my symptoms come back.

Personally, we think it's pretty cool. Kelly is musical - she picks up rhythm and harmony quickly and she's very good with instruments. She played flute for many years in junior high and high school. A little music-lover would fit in nicely with our family. And I'd love to have a band geek. Of course, I'd also love to have a grundge punk playing extra loud guitar in our garage. LOL - hell, I'll love her or him no matter what.

I think the whole bumpin' music love that our baby has is wonderful. It's the first event that has made our baby less of a concept and more of his or her own person. I can't wait to give birth to this little creature. To hold her or him in my arms and learn about who they are. I'm so excited about all of this.

Who is this person going to be? And how will they relate to us? How will we relate to him or her? How wonderful that these questions have a lifetime of answers and that we are the lucky people who get to love this little miracle.

I couldn't be happier right now...

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