
He Speaks!!!

Yes, that's right! Our Connor has officially said his first word. He has been making "ma ma ma" sounds for a while, but over the last few days he has started saying "Mumma". He says it in our direction (no differentiation between us). He does not say it during his regular babbling. He very deliberate about it. So...his first word is "Mumma" and it has happened at just over 8 months!! Pretty cool!

He's also creeping. Mind you, he's still not crawling. But he can pull himself up and he is starting to pull himself along the ottamon. He's not doing it regularly - and he can't always pull himself up. He's still in the beginning stages, but it's happening. Bailey was fully walking when she was 10 months old. He's on track for that or sooner.

Connor is also sick. We are on day 4 of this illness. We're not sure what is going on with him, but he keeps getting fevers. He's been out of school for two days and will be home again tomorrow. He'll go back to the doctors. I hope they can figure out what is going on. We are in that stage were he is getting sick constantly. His near-continuous ear infections are not helping. His surgery for tubes and atnoid removal is scheduled for December 2. Hopefully that fixes the ear problems.

Bailey is doing great! We are in such a hot/cold stage with her. She is either an angel or she's a devil. We are working through each moment and things are starting to improve. She is really growing up so quickly...

Kelly and I are doing well. We are in deep discussions...but more on that another day.

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