
Photo Time!

Our New Car!
The flowers that we planted this spring have finally bloomed...this is just the first year...it'll get even better!

She likes carrots, too...

Goodness, she's beautiful...she steals my heart every time I look at her...

Momma and Bailey in the park

Mommy, loving on her baby

Mommy and Bailey in the park

The judge that did the adoption. This was taken after the proceedings.

Monica, Susanne and Danny - they came with us!

Monica, Danny, Karen and Us - it was such a great day...

The Judge and our attorney with us after the adoption

Walking back from the front of the courtroom after the ceremony! That is the signed adoption order that Kelly is holding...


bleu said...

Congrats Mama's!!!!!!!!!!! So nie to have it official although it is just legal stuff saying what we already know.

Much love.

Kim aka Mommy said...

Great big congrats! That's such wonderful news. Now if we can just get that available in ALL states!

treewater said...

As of 8/30/07, Maine State Supreme Court ruled that second parent adoptions are legal under existing Maine Adoption law!! Interestingly timely blog post, dude!

That must have ben a super exciting day!! Welcome to legal familyhood!