
Food and Interviews

This morning I interviewed for a job at the Charles County Public Schools. I think it went well. I was uncomfortable in my suit - my belly has bloated just enough to make my old clothes start to feel really uncomfortable. My tatas are enormous, making the shirts I usually wear difficult. And I had to wear knee highs and real shoes. Ugg. BUT, I went in there with a smile and determined to make a good impression. And I think I did. I'll know how it pays off by "the middle of next week."

Today, I'm feeling good again. Yesterday was horrible. I actually threw up a couple of times. By the time I finally got home, the only thing my stomach could handle by way of food was a baked potato with lowfat cottage cheese mixed up for protien. Easy. Delicious. Filling. And I didn't puke. That' s good. It's amazing how my relationship with food has changed. Having been an overweight woman a large portion of my life, I've always heard that one way to change my weight is to eat to survive. I never knew what that actually meant...until now. I literally have to eat to survive. And I can't over eat. And I can't under eat. And I can't eat much ice cream. Or anything sweet really. It's tough.

So, anyway - I'm actually feeling much better today. Maybe that won't hold, but I'll take it for now.

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