
11 Weeks Pregnant

Well, we are officially 11 weeks pregnant...only 29 more weeks to go. There isn't much to say except that being 11 weeks pregnant sucks for every single member of the McFadden family (with Kelly in the lead for dealing with suckiness). In any event, we've made it this far. Here's what's going to happen in week 12.
Kelly's still not prepared to begin sharing her belly, although it's super cute! For now, you'll just have to take my word for it...she's definately showing!

Week 12:

By now, nearly all of your baby's organs, structures and systems are fully formed. Your baby's heart begins pumping several quarts of blood through your baby's body every day. While your baby's brain is not the same size it will be at birth, it does have the same structure. Your baby's fingers and toes have separated and his hair and nails continue to grow. Your baby is approximately 2.5 - 3.5 inches and weighs about 12 - 14 grams.

Also, the external genitals can now show definite signs of male and female sex, however it will probably still be impossible to tell by ultrasound whether you are having a boy or a girl. Where there was only reflex movement before, your baby now moves spontaneously and at random, but he is still too small for you to feel him. With the use of a doppler, you might be able to hear your baby's heart beat at your next doctor's office visit. It will sound very fast and will sound similar to that of running horse. Once you hear this sound, you can rest assured that your risk of miscarrage is greatly reduced.

1 comment:

treewater said...

I'm ready for belly pics anytime Kelly is!!!!! :)