
It's The Litte Things

My love is about the little things. If I had to, I couldn't pick the one quality that made me fall in love with Kelly. In all honesty, when I fell in love with her, I didn't know her. I believe that I have loved Kelly since the second I started breathing on this planet, and my only task was to wait the 18 years it took me to find her. But the things now that I love about her seem so small. And yet, when I add them up, they are the total of my heart.

It's the little things. It's the way that she smiles at me when I'm getting out of the car after work. It's the cold, clamminess of her hands at night as we're laying in bed and she's just put a ton of lotion on them. It's the way that no matter how many times she shaves her legs, they are never quite smooth. It's how when she's sick, the only thing that can comfort her is putting her head on my shoulder. It's how she sometimes wakes up in the middle of the night, frantic, thinking that we're going to roll over on Bailey even though she never shared our bed with us. It's the way that she looks fresh from the shower, with water on her eyelashes. It's watching her eyes go from sky blue to stormy gray and then back again. It's in the simple way that she touches me without thinking about it. The satisfied look in her eyes when we're all sitting at the table sharing dinner. It's the way that she checks her blackberry and always apologizes because she knows how much it annoys me. It's because of our last kiss of the day when we are both sleepy and the way her breath smells in the morning.

It's because I know all of these things about her and she knows them about me. It's in every good, bad, fantastic, horrible moment we've ever had.

I look at her every day and every day I fall in love again. Not because of any one thing, but because of all of them.

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