
1 Year Check Up

Her stats:

Her weight is 25.8 pounds (97th Percentile)
Her height is 33 inches (or 2 feet, 9 inches) (97th Percentile)
Her head is normal - exactly in the 50th percentile

She has 5 teeth that have popped through and one more that is so close they counted it as pooped through. She has two more on the bottom and then she'll start working on getting her molars.

She is a big child. Everything is proportionate, but she is the sized of an average 17 month old.

They did a development check, of course, and Bailey generally has advanced skills. Most of her development is on track for a child who is 24 months. That she feeds herself with a fork and is saying more than 10 words seemed especially surprising to them.

Of course, as proud as I am, we can't take much of the credit. Bailey is an adventurer and she's been learning a lot while exploring her world. Because of her size, she is often put with older children at daycare and that helps the development. She's also super curious and very busy. If she sees us doing something, she wants to do it.

She watched me very intently the other day as I was going to the bathroom. She watched me pull the toilet paper off the roll and wipe with it. A few minutes later, I found her pulling the toilet paper off the roll and trying to wipe with it. LOL - good baby steps towards potty training.

Another funny story. Last night, we had curry turkey. It's a good, rich, spicy curry and I absolutely love it. I gave Bailey a couple of bites. She freaked out!!! She couldn't get the spicyness off her tongue. She kept sticking it out and wiping at it, but it the spicy stayed. She hated it. I couldn't help but laugh at her. It was funny. What can I say? Kelly, of course, felt terrible and took care of the cuddling and cooling of the mouth with bits of watermelon and water. (Really, though, it was hysterical).

Back to the appointment.

She had three shots. One in her leg, and one in each arm. Man - the girl can cry when she is really upset. Honestly, it was very difficult. I hate to see her hurting, even if it is only for a second and for a very good cause. I've got a pretty high threshhold when it comes to dealing with Bailey's distress, but it got to me. I have to admit it. I struggled not to cry as I was pinning my freaking out child to my chest.

She curled up on my chest, all drawn up like she did when she was tiny, and let out big heaves and sighs when it was finished. On the way to daycare, she fell asleep.

All in all, the appointment was fine. I'm glad to know that she is healthy. They seemed pleased that she is weaned down to only 6 ounces of formula at night. They raved about her diet. They raved about her development and skills. It was a very parenting-affirming visit.

And I'm glad she's healthy. Did I mention that?

1 comment:

Susanica said...

Awwww...you go Bailey! By the way, Danny agrees with you. Shots are NO fun. He'll just take your word for it on the curry. We suspect he'd have the exact same reaction ;-) See you guys soon! -Monica