The newest thing in B's life is music and dancing. Now, I guess we shouldn't be surprised - after all I posted about listening to bumpin' music while pregnant and how it would get rid of my morning sickness like nothing out. And she rocked while in utero. Literally - rocked back and forth.
Well, now, she outright dances. Her Mommy is really who started it. We have a CD player in the kitchen and at night, we put on kids music for her. We sing and play while she eating and I'm doing the dishes or making dinner. On the days that she is home with her Mommy, they started this ritual of standing in front of the radio and dancing around. Bailey throws her hand out and bounces up and down while waving her hands. We think it's really cute, so we've encouraged it. And not, it's taken off. She has these two Einstein music boxes that play full songs or just the individual instruments. She's learned how to get them started and then she'll sit back and sway side to side while waving her hands in the air. She actually gets a little hip twist going, so she's kind of bouncing all around. She'll do the same thing when she's standing up. While holding on to something to balance herself, she'll throw one hand out and then bounce her knees while throwing her hips back and forth. At some point we'll ge this on video. The problem is that she stops as soon as we bring the camera out.
We think our dancing girl is adorable!!!
We also think that she took her first steps. Now, I have to clarify and say that we are 100% certain that they were accidental and not in any way they don't count as the REAL first steps. However, she was holding on to the ottoman and wanted to be in my arms. I was sitting just out of reach so I put my arms out to encourage her into them. I was thinking she would just cruise along the ottoman until she got to where I could reach her. Instead, she took her hands off the ottoman and stood there shaky for a minute. As she started to fall forward, she "caught" herself by moving her feet forward. She took two steps and then fell into my arms!!!!
It was very, very exciting...even if it was accidental!
Other Bailey stuff - she's still sleeping through the night - about 12 hours at a stretch. At daycare she has started refusing her naps, so when we get there at 4 PM, she's one tired girl. She usually takes an hour nap or so and then gets up for another hour and half. Then it's bedtime, where she sleeps until morning. Some people seem amazed that she sleeps through the night...until I point out that she doesn't nap during the day. Or at least, not much. She needs the night time sleep!!!!
Her diet these days consists of formula, lots and lots of all different veggies, fruits (her favorites are blueberries and whole bananas), beans, ravioli, cherries, graham crackers and those little puffs. She loves, loves, loves to drink soy milk and she does it out of her sippy cup every night at dinner. She loves her soy milk!
Other than that, things are just status quo. We are all doing pretty well. Things are 100% busy all the time, but that is to be expected. This weekend, I'm going to a farewell party on Saturday evening for my coworker. It's at my bosses house. We were going to make it a date, but Kelly isn't feeling real comfortable with leaving she's going to stay at home with her while I go out. It'll be nice to get out for a while.
Here are the latest pictures of our little love!
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