
Love Is...

...watching your child wake up, stretch her little arms above her head, scrunch her face up and grunt and groan as she works out the kinks from a good night sleep.

...changing her diaper while she stares at you with her piercing blue eyes, smiling and cooing the entire time.

...laughing as she gets distracted by the mobile and arranges her beautiful features into an expression that says, "OH...that's still here!"

...holding your child as close as possible, while she grips your hands and stares into your eyes and eats.

...playing with her, watching explore the world around her and laughing as she discovers new sounds, textures, and colors.

...knowing just when she is ready to stop and have some quiet time.

...reading three stories together, while she melts into your arms and stares at the pages of the book.

...carrying her upstairs to her swing, putting her and covering her up. Watching her snuggle down as the swing begins to move.

...staring at her as her eyes get heavy and begin to close.

...smiling gently at her when she peaks her eyes open to make sure that you are still close.

Love is knowing that no matter how difficult, how trying, or how frustrating this may be, I will ALWAYS be my Bailey's Momma. Where she leads, I will follow. And hopefully, through all of this, I will be able to help clear the path of her life of some obstacles.

Love is knowing that I will always put her first, even when I don't want to.

Love is knowing that even on the worst of all possible days, in the midst of what might feel like hell, I would still choose to have her again.

When you read this, Bailey, years from now...know that I love you with all my heart. My struggles are not about you. They are mine, and your life is a blessing to me.

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