
Sleep Transitions

Every day Bailey changes, and yet she cycles in predictable patterns. Weird. Last night was a rough night for sleep. She was up from 6 PM until 10 PM (a long time for her) and then went down for about four hours. Good. Then up to eat and then back down for two and a half. Not so great, but okay. Then back up to eat...then she STAYED UP!!!! She was up from 4:30 this morning until around 6:30 this morning. She usually crashes right back out for another three hour stretch. She's sleeping now, but it's restless.


I'm glad that I can survive on very little sleep. I'm not always the nicest person, but I can function. It's a good thing with a baby.

Today, we're headed back into DC. Bailey and I are going to my office to celebrate two of my coworkers birthdays. Then, we're off to Maverick Mama's house for a playdate with her adorable son and some adult conversation! Well, she and I will have the adult conversation. And at the rate Bailey is going, she'll just sleep...but hell...we're trying!

Tomorrow is Bailey's doctor's appointment. We are looking forward to learning how much she weighs, because she seems to be growing out of everything. We can't keep sleepers around that are big enough for her. She's already outgrown the 3 month sleepers we bought two weekends ago. Uggg.

This weekend is DC Pride and we have friends coming in. I'm excited to have some extra hands around the house to hold Bailey and super excited to get out of the house for the Pride parade. There's nothing like a bunch of campy queens to brighten a person's day!

Gotta run. Gotta shower while Bailey is sleeping...

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