
Three Weeks Old!

Our Bailey is three weeks old today!!!! It seems absolutely unreal that she is that old...and at the same time, I keep wondering how it could only have been three weeks ago that she was born. There was a life before Bailey????

I've thought about how I can best keep everyone informed of Bailey's progress, and I figured that just the same way that I did with the pregnancy, I'll do an update each week. I'll let you know what changes have occurred and of any cool developmental milestones. Hopefully this well help our families and friends stay up to date. It's so hard being so far away from everyone...

So...here goes:

Last week on Thursday, Bailey weighed 10 pounds, 12 ounces. I'm sure she has gained weight since then, but I don't know how much. She's bigger, though! We had switched to size two diapers, but have since gone back to size one. The size two were just too big on her, and we were worried about leakage.

Yesterday, during her first outing to DC, Bailey's cord finally fell off. We were starting to get worried! All of the the beautiful hair that Bailey was born with is still on her head...although it's starting to look a little thin in some spots. Her eyes are still a deep, deep blue...just like her Mommy. Her face is beginning to smooth out, and the scrunched up, newborn look is starting to disappear. Her lips get fuller by the day - much to the delight of her Mommy. She has super long eyelashes and her skin is smooth and creamy looking.

Developmentally, it seems that Bailey is having a lot more alert time than in previous weeks. She wakes up wanting to eat, but after eating, she's generally alert and happy for about an hour. This is wonderful during the day...not so great at night.

Speaking of night - Bailey is not a great sleeper. She likes to be held while she's sleeping and so far, our attempts to break her of that are not really working. She'll go down, but she's right back up a few minutes later. During the night, when we can get her down in her co-sleeper, she'll only sleep about two hours before waking and wanting to be up and held. So...we're working on that. It's an ongoing project.

Finally, there couldn't be a more adored child. Bailey's Mommy and Momma are in love with her, and every day brings deeper and deeper love. It's a pretty cool thing...

Our Love at Three Weeks! (And One of the Kitties...Highly Suspicious!)

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