

It's interesting - I haven't been bored in years! I mean, really bored. Caring for an infant is very time consuming and requires lots of tasks...but it doesn't challenge my brain to think. It's not hard to change diapers or warm bottles. These tasks, while the necessary acts of love and care for our daughter, are simple and easy to do.

My brain has been left idle...never a good thing. I'm too tired to read much and TV is just more stupid for my brain.

I've created a MySpace page. This is in direct relationship to my boredom. Honestly, in all the years of being online, I've not gotten into these big online databases of people. I've dabbled a couple of times, but never really gotten into it.

But, now, I need to think about something other than parenting. While Bailey sleeps, I can search people. I can read interesting bits about other people's lives.

It's silly, I know. But right now, it provides my head with something other than parenting. Until I can get back to work and start using my brain again, this will have to do.

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