
The Most Beautiful Sound

The most beautiful sound I have ever heard is the warmth and love in Kelly's voice when she's talking to our daughter. At night, we lay in bed and read to Bailey. Kelly puts her hands on my belly and talks to her about the story. Bailey kicks and wiggles, moves and shakes. It's very funny. She responds to Kelly's voice even more than mine. I think maybe it's because my voice is very familiar to her at this point. Kelly's is too, but it comes from a different place. Bailey hears me all the time, all day long.

We're ready to be Mommy and Momma. We were wondering the other day if it's possible to fall in love with other people's babies. We are facinated by Angele and Stacey's daughter, Riley. We look every day for new pictures or videos. LOL - she's a beautiful child and we get all excited about seeing her grow. We are anxiously waiting the first pictures of Matt and Aarica's new baby for the same reason. Now, Maveric Mama has her baby. Soon (although the exact time is yet to be determined) Kelly's sister will be giving birth to their daughter.

Everyone is getting babies, and WE ARE READY FOR OURS!!!!!

LOL - it's a struggle. I both want her in and I want her out. I know that she needs to be inside of me right now. She needs to continue growing and her lungs need to continue to develop. She needs to be stronger before she is born. But my goodness...we really want to meet her. We're ready to learn her expressions, her moods, her rhythms. Our lives are already consumed by her, so now, we'd like to have her here to kiss and hug and hold.

It's classic. I'm no different than any other pregnant woman in my eighth month. I'm ready for our baby...and our baby is going to wait just a bit longer before she joins us.

It's a test of my patience...

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