
The Whole Lot Of It!

Last night, in the pouring rain, Kelly and I ventured out route 66 during rush hour traffic, onto the Dulles TOLL road (freakin' $4 each way), and into rural Virginia to score ourselves some second-hand baby stuff. We're thrifty people (most of the time) and we were really hoping that we would find some good products for our $350.

And we did.

We pulled out of there with a very nice cherry wood sleigh crib, an infant car seat with two bases, a bouncy chair (we've heard they are a miracle for mothers), a high chair, two playmats, a bunch of clothes, burpie clothes, shoes, baby towels and other fabric goods, bottles, spoons and other "feeding" things, and a stroller. The crib is a convertible model - although, to be honest we don't intend to convert it. We want to fill it with a second baby...and THEN, maybe, we'll convert it.

We're excited. It's going to feel nice to have some baby stuff around to start really feeling like this is happening. I mean - my physical responses to pregnancy remind me that it's happening all the time, but those feel more like a job than the exciting reality of our lives changing. I can't wait to get the nursery started so that we can go in there and see where our little honey will spend some time.

Of course, we've mentioned (I think) that the little honey will sleep in our room for the first 6 months at least. We'll do a side-by-side sleeper for the first three months (while I'm breast feeding exclusively), and then we'll think about what happens next. So, the nursery is more of an idea than an immediate reality.

But you know. It's still important!

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