

It seems quite redundant to say that really what I'm feeling these days is just tired, but there it is. I'm tired. Exhausted really. If I could spend 15 hours every day sleeping, I still think that I'd be tired.

Of course, that'll never happen. Instead, I'll celebrate our success as they come.

This weekend, Kelly managed to pretty much do the work of a superhero. She mowed, trimmed the yard, cleaned the garage, painted the dining room (two coats), weeded some pretty weedy areas in our yard, painted the door frame that was showing some signs of peeling paint, and other things that I have forgotten. I managed to haul myself to the grocery store, keep us fed, make dinners for the week, and get the laundry done. And I gave one hell of a massage on Saturday night.

Not too bad for an exhausted pregnant lady.

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